Class of 1968
Current Events
70th Birthday Party
Class Picnic and Car Show
September 26, 2020
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(Click on a photo to enlarge)
Host - Don Smith
Bev, Diane, Jennette, Alice
Bev McFarlin-Nidey, Alice Henderson-Versluis
Diane Versluys-Hunter, Diana Smith (Don's wife)
Jim (Diane's husband) Diane, Floyd
(Bev's husband)
Bev, and Alice
Host - Don Smith
Bev and Sue McWhirter-Sellers
Diane and Suzie Covemaker-Neels
Donna Stille(Kent's wife)
and Sue
Diane and Jennette
Jan, Diana,
Betty and Tom Marckese
Randy Sovey
Jennette Suillivan
Sharm Chapman,
Becky Natsis, Kim Banfield
(Mike and Rick's wives)
Syndee (Guy's wife)
Susan Burdick-Knipe
Floyd Nidey (Bev's husband)
Jim Hunter (Diane's husband)
Mike McHenry
Mike Natsis
Randy Sovey, Sarah Olson-Elliott
Guy Dyer, Russ Sellers
Pat Sellers
Sandy Widerquist-Smiley
Alice Henderson-Versluis
Diane, Jim, Floyd
Bev and Alice
Greg White, Rick Banfield
Steve Lester
Sarah Olson-Elliott, Jeanine Beresford-Allen
Wayne Allen, Mike Elliott
Syndee (Guy's wife)
Susan Burdick-Knipe
Suzie Covemaker-Neels
Jeanine Beresford-Allen
Buster Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan (Jennette's husband)
Bev and Alice
Guy Dyer
Greg White, Steve Griffin
Guy Johnson, Floyd
(Bev's husband)
Mike Natsis, Mike Collins